Pragmatic Productivity

How to Tell People What to Do

…and more importantly, why you should

Michelle Loucadoux
Better Humans
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2022


Person standing behind two other people in front of computers
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Whether you’re running a massive business or you’re planning the weekend for your family, communicating clearly to people what they should do…is imperative. This may seem like a principle for companies, but it absolutely applies to real life as well. If you are clear, the people around you will be clear as well. And most likely, they’ll be inspired as well.

People need to know both what their goal is in the short term and what their overall vision is as well. To feel effective and remain engaged, employees need to know why their efforts are important and what kind of change they are helping to make in the world. (And no, to get a paycheck is not a good enough reason to continue to go work.) Similarly, if your kid doesn’t understand why he’s going to the grocery store, he can get a little cranky.

The bigger picture

From a broad perspective, if you or the company you’re working for don’t have a clear vision and mission, I highly recommend at least creating one. And reminding yourself and/or your team of that vision and mission on a regular basis.

William Craig writes in Forbes that, “When you promote your mission to your employees, it results in a higher…

